SpringSource dm Server 2.0 in Action

Authors : Jan Machacek , Aleksa Vukotic , Anirvan Chakraborty
Publisher :Manning Publications Co.
Category : Modularity (OSGi)
Released : May 1, 2010
ISBN : 9781935182092
Pages :425
Print Price : $44.99
E-Price : $27.50

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SpringSource dm Server is an OSGi-based Java EE application server. It uses the Eclipse Equinox OSGI implementation and the Spring DM (Dynamic Modules) kernel as a backbone with Apache Tomcat at the container level. It builds on the lightweight, loosely coupled application programming model championed by the Spring Framework. The dm Server is the first Java EE application server to both use the OSGi platform at its core, and expose it to the applications it hosts. The dm Server, together with the application development and management tools greatly simplifies Java enterprise application development.

SpringSource dm Server 2.0 in Action is a comprehensive tutorial, introducing the dm Server and its new slant on application development. The book starts with an overview of the core features of SpringSource dm Server and answers the question, "Why do you need a new Java EE application server?" The book shows how to build and deploy applications that can make the most of dm Server's features.

Because the authors are experienced "old school" Java EE developers, they consistently point out the differences between the "traditional" approach and the dm Server way. And because they're using dm Server in a production environment for major clients, they can help you navigate the day-to-day concerns you'll face rolling out a new product.


    * Overview of the dm Server and its development and management tools
    * Introduction to OSGi and the OSGi additions dm Server brings
    * Strategies for layering and modularization in the new OSGi world
    * Using well-established Java EE libraries, such as Hibernate, JavaMail, and FreeMarker
    * Discussion of performance-tuning dm Server applications
    * Detailed guidance on migrating to existing Java EE web applications to the SpringSource dm Server
    * Outlines enterprise application monitoring using SpringSource Application Management Suite

This book is written for Java developers familiar with Java EE. No previous knowledge of the SpringSource dm Server is required.


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